As you enjoy this latest, distinctly end of summer collection featuring wonders that include VEDA BLACK, Pip Millett, Greentea Peng, B-ahwe, Emily King, Andria Rose, Joy Crookes, Cleo Sol (cover) et. al. have a think about what is your secret ingredient. Some SAULT with that?


Next time you attend a company ‘offsite’ (like that’ll happen anytime soon, I guess we can be thankful for small mercies) and the facilitator asks you to reveal your ‘superpower’, tell them you won’t. Because not only is the whole idea preposterous, but the secret ingredient is a much better concept. And you don't have to reveal it. It shouldn’t stop people guessing what it might be and that is something you might happily, openly share. 

In an age where everything is on display, dressed-up and bigged-up beyond any notion of reality, who the hell cares why you think you’re so special anyway? Do yourself and everyone else a favour, keep it to yourself. Instead, take time to reveal yourself through your actions and what you create and put out into the world. Let me give you an example: SAULT. 

SAULT has been a refreshing talking point in the music industry since the band’s arrival on the scene in 2019 - because nobody knows who they are, but everyone knows how good they are. SAULT’s Spotify bio sheds no light whatsoever (quite rightly) but does provide direct advice: “add a little SAULT to your life”. London-based musician/producer/writer Dean Josiah has been closely associated with SAULT, (he has worked with two outstanding British talents Michael Kiwanuka and Little Simz which would make the quality associations ring true enough). British soul singer Cleo Sol has also been mentioned in the same breath too. Well, they are side-by-side on this edition of Dark & Stormy (vol. 7!) so: you decide. 

But ask yourself, do you really need to know?

To enjoy SAULT’s music, you might instead simply enjoy the anonymity in the same we all do when we step back and admire a Banksy mural. There’s something to be said for a little mystery in these dark days, wouldn’t you say?

This idea of the secret ingredient struck me only recently when on holiday and - appropriately enough - during the cocktail hour (an increasingly popular phenomenon in our locked-down world and as with ‘adding a little SAULT’, highly recommended). I was enjoying a Dark & Stormy (what else?) but oh my, was there something different about it. If you’ve been paying any attention at all to this playlist series (and if I may interject just once more with a further smidgen of advice, you really should) then you will be all too familiar with that cocktail’s ingredients: ice, lime squeeze + wedge, two shots of quality dark rum, slosh of ginger beer. Such is the magic of this combination, the Dark & Stormy is one of those cocktails that can provide equal refreshment at any time of year and during any weather. However, on this particular occasion it felt that little bit more summery. I was in Cornwall but felt for a moment like I’d landed on the Amalfi coast somewhere. “What the hell did they put in this?” was my question as I promptly sought out the menu (sometimes the need to just get a hold of the information is a hard habit to drop). Just then, the (excellent) member of the bar staff simply interjected with a serene “if it’s good, then why would you need to know?”

Which sort of stopped me in my tracks. What a great point. 

So there you have it. You know exactly what to do. As you enjoy this latest - distinctly end of summer collection featuring wonders that include VEDA BLACK, Pip Millett, Greentea Peng, B-ahwe, Emily King, Andria Rose, Joy Crookes et. al. Grab a tall glass. Fill with ice. Lime wedge. Little squeeze. Grab the rum. Double measure. Fill with ginger beer to the top. Find somewhere to sit. Fire up the playlist and stare at the cover. For there she is, this edition’s secret ingredient Cleo Sol, taking pride of place on the plinth. 

Did you remember to add the limoncello by the way? 

Dang it!

Have a great end of summer. SAULT’s album untitled is on Bandcamp here. Cleo Sol’s album Rose In The Dark is out now on the same label, Forever Living Originals. Now that is a coincidence.